На улице льет как из ведра, поэтому сегодняшний аутфит как нельзя более солнечный, уже третья вариация на тему хиппи за последнее время, и, по-моему, этот лук самый женственный. Идеально для студенческой вечеринки.
Outside it's pouring cats and dogs :) therefore today outfit is in sunnier way possible, it's already third variation on a theme of hippies recently, and in my opinion this look is the womanliest. Perfect for student party.
Fuori piove a dirotto, percio outfit di oggi ha cascato come il calcio sui maccheroni, questo e gia il variazione terzo sul tema dei hippi recentemente, e, secondo me, questo look e il piu femminile. E perfetto per una serata studentesca.
Outside it's pouring cats and dogs :) therefore today outfit is in sunnier way possible, it's already third variation on a theme of hippies recently, and in my opinion this look is the womanliest. Perfect for student party.
Fuori piove a dirotto, percio outfit di oggi ha cascato come il calcio sui maccheroni, questo e gia il variazione terzo sul tema dei hippi recentemente, e, secondo me, questo look e il piu femminile. E perfetto per una serata studentesca.
Handbag Neri Karra, cardigan Esprit, nice noname dress, coat United Colors of Benetton and scarf XX by Mexx, gumboots Alessandro Frenza
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